About Us
Who is CUCA? What does CUCA do? What is CUCA’s mission?
About US

To protect the jobs and economic output of North Carolina industry and manufacturing by securing reliable energy services at the lowest possible cost. We support flexible energy policies that help industries and manufacturers achieve their corporate goals.
CUCA is a 501 C (6) non-profit trade association serving North Carolina industries and manufacturers. Since CUCA’s inception, our primary focus has been to secure reliable energy at the lowest possible rate for our members. For the past 37 years, we have had a seat at the table where utility issues have been negotiated. We have successfully prevailed in keeping energy cost-effective through amicable working relationships with regulators, legislators, utilities, and stakeholders in the energy arena.
We have an excellent track record of producing strong returns on membership investments. In the last decade, we documented an estimated $3.8 billion in avoided cost savings from our efforts.
North Carolina is entering a new era where utilities will seek to raise rates more frequently. Our industry and manufacturing voice must be heard to ensure energy costs remain low, our plants stay open, and jobs and economic output remain in North Carolina. We do this by coming together, educating and working with our utilities, the N.C. Utilities Commission, N.C. Utilities Commission Public Staff, regulatory bodies, and the N.C. General Assembly.
It is more important now than ever to be a part of CUCA. To discuss membership, please contact us.
CUCA Staff

Kevin Martin
Kevin is the CEO of the Carolina Utility Customers Association, a position he moved into at the beginning of 2020. Prior to his current role, he spent five years at the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality as the Renewable Energy Program Manager and as the Weatherization Assistance Program Manager. Kevin has also worked at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at N.C. State University and as a consultant on energy matters. He has an M.B.A. from Averett University and a B.A. from the University of Virginia.

Stephen Terry, Ph. D., P.E.
Stephen is the Technical Director of the Carolina Utility Customers Association, a position he began in June, 2022. Prior to his current role, Stephen was the Director of the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) at NC State’s School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, where he still teaches a few courses. Stephen received a Ph.D., M.D., and B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State University. His research involved a wide range of topics in the energy field, and his long-term goal is to contribute to the practice and awareness of energy conservation.